...... fiberstrategy ......
„We cannot predict future,
but we can
put the basis for something in the future,
because we
can build future."
[Antoine de Saint-Exupéry]
Various electronic
communication and data exchange are firm components of our everyday life. Applications
and user requirements are subject to permanent progress. Adequate broadband connection
is an essential location factor as well as an important part of public basis
services. And last but not least it enables future prosperity.
Efficient networks
and infrastructures, which are increasingly based on optical fiber, are needed
to provide adequate data rates. Designing and constructing these networks is a
big challenge of our generation because the related questions are various and
It is your turn as
municipal utility, municipality or regional telecommunication carrier to face
and handle this challenge!
We support you with all topics and
projects concerning the construction
and operation of fiber optical networks. Our integrated consulting activities
cover a wide field of technical and economic items. Furthermore we have cooperations
with efficient partners to generate additional expertise and capacity.
Our experience and skills enable us providing practical solutions to your
Let´s make the change in communication networks!
Professional experience
Entrepreneur fiberstrategy
Design, planning and implementation of modern telecommunication networks
Head of technology and sales (Stadtwerke Tübingen GmbH, Telecommunications Department)
Strategical planning and development (Stadtwerke Tübingen GmbH, Telecommunications Department)
Technical Sales Engineer (Alcatel SEL AG Stuttgart, Optical Network Division)
Studies of Technical Management (DAA Technikum / Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Stuttgart)
Master Professional (CCI) of Technical Management
Studies of Electrical Engineering / Telecommunications (University of Cooperative Education, Stuttgart / Alcatel SEL AG)
Diploma thesis: "Calculation of Transmission Networks' Transport Capacity based on Facts about Applications, User-Classes and Access-Technologies" | Graduated Telecommunications Engineer and B.Sc. Electrical Engineering
...... Portfolio......
"Finally human spirit is needed to make all technologies alive.”
[Johann Wolfgang von Goethe]
fiberstrategy offers integrated consulting in all concerns of construction and operation of fiber optical networks. In close cooperation with our customers we design, plan and implement fiber optical networks that fulfill your future requirements.
In the field of project management we are a reliable partner in controlling and realising TC-projects.
Furthermore we accompany our customers in items of strategy and innovation.